Three articles focused on the DOGANA framework, available on Medium
- Details
- Category: Media Coverage
- Published: Wednesday, 11 July 2018 12:52
Written by Enrico Frumento and Roberto Puricelli - CEFRIEL
Three articles, available on Medium, focus on Phishing and Social Engineering newest trends and on the DOGANA solutions:
- Social Engineering: an IT Security problem doomed to get worse, Enrico Frumento, July 10th, 2018
- Is context really relevant in phishing attacks?, Roberto Puricelli, July 9th, 2018
- What the Enterprises can do to measure and mitigate the latest evolutions of Social Engineering, Enrico Frumento, February 16th, 2018
Recently NIST published a report highlighting that “employees are more likely to click on links and attachments when the premise of the email matches their work responsibilities”. Therefore, according to NIST, context is a critical factor in discriminating why users wither click or don’t click on a phishing email.
At Cefriel we have worked extensively on the Social Engineering threat and the Human Factor vulnerabilities and we obtained insights that actually show the opposite, or at least that “context” is one of the enablers, but not the main one...
by Enrico Frumento and Roberto Puricelli (CEFRIEL)