Finalists of "Contraband Pixels & Texts / Pixelettere" DOGANA contest

Fishes phishing humans. Competition "Contraband Pixels & Texts, or... make stories, not phishing"

Written by Il gallo del vicino

An artwork selected in the second "round" of the competition "Contraband Pixels & Texts, or... make stories, not phishing".
"Contraband Pixels & Texts, or... make stories, not phishing" is a literary-graphic competition on social engineering and phishing, organized by CNIT (Consorzio nazionale interuniversitario per le telecomunicazioni), partner of DOGANA project.
PARTICIPANTS: writers and cartoonists / illustrators.
REGISTRATION: registration is free and open to people residing in EU countries...

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Replaced, by Emiliano S Verga. First story selected within the competition "Contraband Pixels & Texts, or... make stories, not phishing"

Written by Emiliano S. Verga

First story selected within the competition "Contraband Pixels & Texts, or... make stories, not phishing". Available in italian language.
Replaced. "Grazie per aver acquistato un biglietto con noi: inserisci i dettagli del volo e scopri se hai vinto!". Va bene proviamo anche questo concorso: allora, partenza venerdì 17 marzo... ore 8.30... destinazione Londra... codice volo... posto fila 4 Lettera C... nome viaggiatore Lucio Tonno. "Mi dispiace non hai vinto: grazie per aver partecipato! Continua a volare con noi". Me lo aspettavo, in fondo, sarà per la prossima volta. Ora spengo il PC, che è già tardi e... Cosa? Non può scrivere adesso: che ore sono? È già passata da un pezzo la mezzanotte! Perché il mio capo mi scrive ora?

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The DOGANA literary-graphic competition begins. Contraband Pixels & Texts, or... make stories, not phishing

Written by Matteo Mauri, CNIT

"Contraband Pixels & Texts, or... make stories, not phishing" is a literary-graphic competition on social engineering and phishing, organized by CNIT (Consorzio nazionale interuniversitario per le telecomunicazioni), partner of DOGANA project.
Participants: writers and cartoonists / illustrators.
Registration: registration is free and open to people residing in EU countries (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg , Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Hungary), Israel and Switzerland.
Rules: participants (writers and / or illustrators) must submit artworks coherent with the competition theme...

Read the complete call


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, under grant agreement No. 653618




The DOGANA phishing videogame

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Phishing: awareness through play

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Contraband pixels and texts
Read all about our liteary-graphic competition on phishing and social engineering

All the pictures and novels