In this page scientific papers, related to the development of the DOGANA project, are announced:
- E. Kamenjasevic, D. Fabcic Povse,"A data protection perspective on training in the m-health sector", book chapter in m_Health between reality and futures, P. Perego, G. Andreoni, E. Frumento (Editors), Springer, EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing, 2018 (in press)
- E. Frumento," Cybersecurity and the evolutions of healthcare: challenges and threats behind its evolution", book chapter in m_Health between reality and futures, P. Perego, G. Andreoni, E. Frumento (Editors), Springer, EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing, 2018 (in press)
- B. Pacheco, N. Escravana "DOGANA: Research on Human element advanced vulnerability assessment" (PDF), in APWG eCrime Cyber-Security Symposium, Porto, Portugal, October 24-26, 2017
- E. Frumento, A. Consoli , F. Freschi, D. Andreoletti, "Victim Communication Stack: A flexible model to select the Human Attack Vector" (PDF), in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security - ARES 2017, Article No. 50, Reggio Calabria, Italy, August 29 - September 01, 2017
- I. Corona, B. Biggio, M. Contini, L. Piras, R. Corda, M. Mereu, G. Mureddu, D. Ariu, F. Roli, "DeltaPhish: Detecting Phishing Webpages in Compromised Websites" (PDF), in Proceedings of ESORICS 2017 - 22nd European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Oslo, September 11-15, Springer International Publishing, 09-2017, Volume 10492, pages 370–388
- D. Ariu, E. Frumento, G. Fumera, "Social Engineering 2.0: A Foundational Work", in Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers 2017, Siena, Italy, May 15 - 17, 2017
- Y.S. Van der Sype, J. Guislain, J.M. Seigneur, X. Titi,"On the Road to Privacy- and Data Protection-Friendly Security Technologies in the Workplace – A Case-Study of the MUSES Risk and Trust Analysis Engine" (Book Preview), book chapter in Data Protection and Privacy: (In)visibilities and Infrastructures, R. Leenes (Editor), R. van Brakel (Editor), S. Gutwirth (Editor), P. De Hert (Editor), Springer 2017
- A. Lacavalla (author), M. Ronchi (advisor), E. Frumento (co-advisor), "La profilazione nel digital marketing", Italian MSc thesis, Laurea magistrale in Design della comunicazione, Politecnico di Milano 2017, Milano, April 2017 (A.A. 2015-2016). Thesis webpage.
- M. Mauri, A. Mulas, D. Ariu, "The Dark Side of Open Data", in Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery on the WEB, Cagliari, Italy, September 8 - 10, 2016
- M. Busch, Y.S. Van der Sype, M. Reisinger, P. Fröhlich, M. Tscheligi, "Ethical Implications and Consequences of Phishing Studies – A Long-Term Empirical Perspective", in Web Proceedings of Workshop on Ethical Encounters in HCI. CHI 2016.
- John M.A. Bothos, Stelios C.A. Thomopoulos, "Factors influencing crime rates: an econometric analysis approach", in Proceedings of SPIE DCS DEFENCE AND SECURITY 2016, Session 9: Signal and Image Processing and Information Fusion Applications III, Baltimore, US, April 2016.
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